Thorny Devil (Panacanthus cuspidatus). While crickets and katydids may seem inoffensive, a bite from this beast will change that notion.
Passion Vine Bug (Anisoscelis sp). As they fly from plant to plant while feeding, these bugs look like shimmering jewels.
Ox Beetle (Strategus aloeus). Perhaps rhino would be a better name, as these beetles use their horns to defend their territory against other Ox Beetles.
Giant Wood Borer (Euchroma gigantea). The iridescent wing covers of this beetle are used to make elaborate earrings by several tribes of Indians.
Tortoise Beetle (Eugenysa sp). True to their name, when attacked these beetles pull their legs beneath the shell-like wing covers for protection.
Leaf Mantid (Acanthops tuberculata). Any insect failing to detect this camouflaged predator must pay a high price.
Ornate Hopper (Family Fulgoridae). This tiny nymph is too young to be reliably identified, but it already sports an impressive outfit!
Ornate Hopper (FamilyFulgoridae). Interesting things can come in small packages; this one is the size of a peppercorn!
Peruvian Stick Insect (Oerophoetes peruana). Despite the bright color, when a stick insect stops moving it is nearly impossible to detect in the foliage.
Flying Stick (Family Phasmidae). Some stick mimics like this one can fly to safety and they also can spray a repellent in order to protect themselves.
Pleasing Fungus Beetle (Erotylus sp). Yes, they do live and feed on fungus but are they pleasing? You decide.
Bark Weevil (Rhinastus latisternus). With their peculiar eyes and ludicrous snouts, weevils seem like they were designed by Dr. Seuss.
provides the finest nature and culture-oriented trips into tropical regions of Latin America. Founded in 1992 by prominent tropical biologists, GreenTracks has delivered memorable adventures with expert guidance to thousands of vacationers.
Itineraries can be individually designed for your private travel or you may choose to join one of our small groups. Either way, your tour is designed and guided by experts.
A GreenTracks eco-adventure vacation is fun, stimulating and educational. Our expertise has been used by both amateur and professional naturalists, and on documentaries shown by National Geographic, the British and Canadian Broadcasting Systems, and the Discovery Channel.
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